sâmbătă, 13 aprilie 2019

Desire's dare

I wish, that when I look up, I'll feel the infinity pouring thru my veins,
Transforming every facet of every thought, of every cell, of every me.
I wish that when I think a thought that makes me want to fly,
To spread my wings and gaze the never-ending horizon.
I wish that when I fly thru possibilities,
They would open like a field of tulips in my consciousness.
I wish, that in that beautiful and colored field of tulips,
My heart would hear your heart beating that warm rhythm of our souls merging together once again.
I wish, that at that moment our souls will become a new, yet ancient ONE.
So I will never have to search for you again, my love.
I wish a wish that I have wished in all my wishes,
But never truly quite like this and never in this form again..

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