sâmbătă, 14 octombrie 2023


My pain could go thru Earth
And dig holes with no bottom, filled with never-ending sorrow.

My pain could flood all rivers and lakes and oceans
And drown all of its fish in its immensity.

My pain feels like it's owning me,
Like I'm born from it.

I'm the child of my pain.

All of us

I've come a long hard way these years.
But it's not about the tears.
They are a manifestation of oceans
And universes of perceived loneliness.

Oceans full of sharks, corals, colours.
Full of corals, life and sea stars.
Full of life and silence,
Full of absolute silence and lack of air.

I have raised above the waters many times
And I have drowned in equal amounts.
As have all of us.


Eu nu știu ce să-ți spun decât că, te iubesc.
Eu nu știu ce să-ți spun decât că te-am iubit mereu, pentru că altfel nu ar avea sens.
Eu nu știu ce să-ți spun, decât că în brațele tale, e firesc.
Eu nu știu ce să-ți spun, decât că vreau să-ți simt prezența în fiecare univers.

Îmi aduc aminte de toate poeziile de dragoste pe care le-am scris despre noi, fără să știu.


I'm trapped in this cage of aloneness
That I don't want to get out of.
The lock of this prison will keep me forever safe.
In the confinement of these walls, I look through the bars, watching life...
My fear is paralyzing.
My self-fulfilling prophecy.
My false expectations.
My lack of love.
My lack.


What can I say about this life and these shoes and me...?
We are all short-lived.
And between these lines and these walls and us
There is much confusion, much fog, much disillusion.
No clarity, as you can see.


I've had this darkness inside me for as long as I know,
That I felt I could never get away from, so I went with it.
It sure felt like the only option.
Witch, if it's the only one, it's not even an option, is it? 

I tried and I tried, but really can't seem to get my head around it.
And when I do, turns out I don't.
I had answers many times before and I just ended up in the same place, with the same darkness.
Seems like knowing doesn't solve.

So, maybe, I should get my heart around it..?